Do You Have General Enquries?
Please call, drop us an e-mail or fill out the form below and we will help you with your request.
Visit us
Head office
Smålonane 16,
P.O Box 351
5343 Straume, Norway
Contact Us
Reporting of concerns
The purpose of this reporting hotline is to have a whistleblowing channel for the following concerns:
- danger to life, health, safety or environment
- breach of human rights or labour rights
- fraud, corruption, bribery or insider trading
- harassment, discrimination or violations or crime
- non-compliance to any other legal or regulatory
requirement applicable to the company
Enhanced Drilling encourages you to raise the concern directly through our whistleblower channel which ensure confidentiality and protection of rights of the involved parties.
To report an issue, please provide the following information: Your name (anonymous reporting allowed), Affiliation with the company, if any. Specific details of the (time, location, etc.) and any witnesses or additional relevant information.
When possible, whistleblowers will get feedback on the outcome without disclosing confidential information.
Meet the team
- All
- Management
- Sales & Marketing
- HR
Finance & Business Support
If you wish to contact our Accounting or IT departments, please use the phone number below:
Phone:+ 47 56 15 40 00
Danielle Quinlivan
AUS Business Controller
Send email
Snorre Lutnes
Technical Sales Manager
Phone:+47 458 33 037
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Anil George Lasrado
Technical Sales Manager
Phone:+47 561 54 000
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Andrew Westlake
VP Americas
Phone:+183 24 997 300
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