Enhancing Our Commitment to Sustainability
Addressing climate change and the transition to a more sustainable future requires long-term commitments from all countries, industries, and organisations. We all have a responsibility to protect the environment and our natural resources and for as long as oil and gas is required, the sector must operate as efficiently and responsible toward the environment as is possible.
At Enhanced Drilling, we take our part of this responsibility seriously. We aspire to not only reduce our own carbon footprint, but to continue bringing products and services to market that reduces the industry's footprint as a whole. For more than three decades, Enhanced Drilling has delivered innovative well construction and completion technologies that reduces both negative impact on life below water and CO2 emissions, whilst improving safety and efficiency.
During the last couple of years, we took an important step in strengthening our sustainability commitments and governance. We have done this by mapping and reporting on GHG emissions, enabling us to better understand and reduce our impact on the environment. Going forward, we will further align our reporting to ensure we gather and disclose further information relating to our governance management.

Message from the CEO
We believe that environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations help our company execute its business strategies and create value. Since 2019, we have been expanding our ESG KPIs, particularly in the direction of environmental and social responsibility, and implemented a framework to manage and improve ESG performance. Through this effort, we are committed to actively improve our impact on planet and people. As such, we aspire to not only reduce our own carbon footprint, but to continue bringing products and services to market that reduces the industry's footprint as a whole. We shall be a solution for the industry to reach the 2030 emissions goals.
Environment, Social & Governance
Read the 2023 ESG report
We are sharing our third ESG report with our valued stakeholders. Our company is dedicated to improving our impact on the planet and people. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and working towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Additionally, we aim to offer products and services that help reduce the industry's overall footprint.
How we work with ESG
In 2021, a task force was nominated to lead Enhanced Drilling's ESG efforts. We started the project in September of 2021 with the long-term vision that ESG and sustainability will be incorporated in everything we do at Enhanced Drilling. As a company, we are committed to the 2030 Agenda and the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
Although we still have a long way to go on our environmental journey, so far, all indicators point to employees of Enhanced Drilling prioritising the following five SDGs:

Enhanced Drilling have transparency and responsible business firmly rooted in our way of conducting our business.
Transparency have been an important and fundamental value at Enhanced Drilling for decades
Reporting of concerns
The whistleblowing channel secures confidential and anonymous reporting to Enhanced Drilling of issues that should be brought to our attention, and where other reporting procedures cannot be used.
The purpose of this reporting hotline is to have a whistleblowing channel for the following concerns:
- danger to life, health, safety or environment
- breach of human rights or labour rights
- fraud, corruption, bribery or insider trading
- harassment, discrimination or violations or crime
- non-compliance to any other legal or regulatory
requirement applicable to the company
Enhanced Drilling encourages you to raise the concern directly through our whistleblower channel which ensure confidentiality and protection of rights of the involved parties.
Zero-emissions technology
At Enhanced Drilling, we have always believed that technology is not just about today, but tomorrow too. With constant development of new technology, we are leading the way when it comes to next generation drilling solutions that deliver enhanced safety, reliability, cost effectiveness and environmental benefits.
Our technology has become widely recognized for its unique, more environmentally responsible, “closed system” solutions for seabed & marine protection, whilst improving safety and efficiency. Our proven RMR® technology has been used on over 1000 wells to recycle drilling mud and improve safety and efficiency.
Our goal is to help our clients with technology that is environmentally friendly. As will be presented in the ESG 2021 report, our technology can have environmental benefits and some of these benefits can be calculated to show the total greenhouse gas emissions avoidance achieved by using our technology.

CTS is a Cuttings Transportation System designed to remove cuttings from the drilling center and pump it to a predetermined location. The CTS is often used to keep the well area clean to avoid costly cleanup operations after drilling and to protect sensitive marine life in the surrounding area. This saves rig time and makes future tie-ins easier, safer, and faster.

Using the EC-Drill® system, the operator can potentially simplify the well design, drill longer sections, and reduce the amount of steel, cement and drilling fluid used to build the well. This, together with the potential saving of rig days, can assist in saving large amounts of CO2 emissions. EC-Drill® can also help extend the life of mature fields and existing infrastructure.

With RMR®, it is possible to reuse and recycle the mud during RMR® operations in comparison with conventional drilling where cuttings and drilling fluids are discharged to sea and seabed. As such, RMR® significantly reduces the amount of drilling fluids and chemicals discharged to sea, minimizing the effects of drilling on the surrounding marine environment.

EC-Monitor reduces the risk for blowout by enhanced kick detection in the well, hence, greatly improves the protection against unwanted events. The system enables the possibility to adjust the situation before well control actions are needed. EC-Monitor reduces risk of oil spillage and reduces well construction time, resulting in less Greenhouse gas emissions per well.