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Enhanced Drilling is committed
to fostering, cultivating, and
preserving integrity and high
ethical standards

How we work with transparency

At Enhanced Drilling we are committed to conducting our business in accordance with the United Nations guiding principles for business and human rights.

Our core values consist of among other, integrity and being a team player. Enhanced Drilling have transparency and responsible business firmly rooted in our way of conducting our business. Transparency have been an important and fundamental value at Enhanced Drilling for decades.

We respect all internationally recognized human rights, including those enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights, the UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and applicable standards within international humanitarian law.


Transparency Act Account

Read the Transparency Act Account

At Enhanced Drilling, we prioritize transparency in all our operations. Our commitment to openness ensures that you have access to all the information you need about our services, technologies, and processes.

For any inquiries or further details, we encourage you to reach out to us. Please use the email text box below to contact us directly. Our dedicated team is here to assist you and provide the clarity you need. We value your trust and look forward to addressing any questions you may have.

Contact us About Transparancy


Transparancy in our value chain

Our supplier declaration outlines the importance of compliance with human rights, labor conditions, environmental impact, and anti-corruption measures. Suppliers must adhere to these standards and encourage their partners to do the same. This helps maintain a transparent, responsible, and sustainable supply chain, reinforcing our commitment to ethical practices and the Transparency Act.

Integrating this declaration ensures consistent supplier evaluation and supports our Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) goals


Supplier Declaration

Read Supplier Declaration

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets out our commitments and requirements regarding compliance and ethical business practices as well as personal conduct.

the Code of Conduct describes Enhanced Drilling’s commitment and requirements in connection with issues of an ethical nature that relate to business practice and personal conduct. The Code of Conduct applies to the organization and to its individual employees, board members, hired personnel, consultants, intermediaries and others who act on Enhanced Drilling’s behalf.
Enhanced Drilling is committed, in all its business activities, to comply with applicable laws and regulations and act in an ethical, sustainable and socially responsible manner. 

These codes of personal conduct are implemented to:

  • Ensure the safety and well being of all personnel working both domestically as well as internationally, and also the safety and well being of their families, both in the working environment and during off-duty hours.
  • Maintain the good reputation of Enhanced Drilling, both with regard to the equipment and services delivered, and to the personnel performing these services.
  • Ensure the continuance of high quality operations.

Presentation of the Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct describes Enhanced Drilling ethical standard and requirements. The intention is to be as clear and direct as possible in terms of difficult issues the individual may face in their work for Enhanced Drilling. In working with ethical issues it is important to follow some simple rules.

  • Make sure one’s actions are within the law and comfortably within Enhanced Drilling own ethical requirements
  • Be open with regards to ethical issues. If in doubt, a person should raise the issue with his/her superior or talk with their colleagues.  
  • Spending sufficient time on difficult decisions.

Objective and target group

The target group of our Code of Conduct is all personnel working for Enhanced Drilling, including permanent employees, temporary employees, contractors and members of the board. Enhanced Drilling emphasizes that an employee working internationally is an Enhanced Drilling representative 24-hours a day during his/her stay abroad and also when travelling. This means that the existing rules and guidelines apply even during off-duty hours when working internationally. During business travel, employees represent the company throughout their trip.


Code of Conduct

Read Code of Conduct
